Our Services

Design-Thinking & Strategic Planning

How might you reimagine ____? We’re glad you asked. Design-thinking principles are the foundation of all of our services. By listening to leaders, managers, team members and customers, we can help you carve new paths while staying true to your roots. Offerings include:

  • Workshop design and facilitation

  • Strategic planning and stakeholder engagement

  • Project organization and management


  • Created a new curriculum for the Sustainable Development Goals to be taught to American high school students.

  • Conducted a detailed landscape analysis and preliminary model for a new global award program.

  • Evaluated community interest and designed, launched, and implemented a university entrepreneurship program


  • Serve as an Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Colorado State University, helping faculty commercialize their innovations and providing insights into venture capital fundraising.

  • Designed a robust fundraising, investor relations, and event strategy for Chloe Capital, a women-led Venture Capital firm.

  • Created a nonprofit fundraising plan for the Novella Center for Entrepreneurship to raise philanthropic capital.

  • Served as a mentor for dozens of early-stage startup founders to successfully raise Pre-Seed and Seed rounds.

Startup Ecosystem Leadership

Quiver specializes in supporting early-stage entrepreneurs, with a focus on women founders and social enterprises. From idea validation to partner engagement, we develop strategies that help you streamline, stay focused, and get results.

Offerings include:

  • Venture Capital & Nonprofit fundraising strategy

  • Storytelling & pitch development

  • Network building & activation

  • Incubator & accelerator strategy, design, & implementation

  • 1:1 and team coaching for entrepreneurs

Storytelling & Communications

Stories are how humans connect. We stories to build trust, share ideas, and deepen relationships. Our approach to building a communications strategy is bespoke; what works for one team would make no sense to another. From curating podcasts and writing political ads to building storyboards and drafting keynotes, Quiver will make your communications stand out as modern, engaging, and — most of all — you. Offerings include:

  • Communications, Marketing & Public Relations Strategy

  • Platform creation & community engagement strategy

  • Podcast, Video, and Website Development & Execution

  • Ghost writing, speechwriting, and public speaking coaching


  • Designed and managed the launch of Higher Ground, a best-selling book by Luis Benitez.

  • Curated a podcast featuring business leaders in candid conversation about equity and inclusion.

  • Published essayist by WBUR (Boston Public Radio) and amplified by National Public Radio.

  • Designed, planned, and curated personal brand platforms for engaged leaders.

Quiver drives impact through entrepreneurial thinking.